I'm working on my sign language and getting really good at it. These are some of the new things I'm "saying": bird, monkey, fish, frog, horse, water, cracker, banana. We're working on giraffe, cat, owl and a few others.
I've also been working on my animal sounds. One day in church, I was looking at a book, saw a picture of a cat, and said "mow". I can say moo, hoo hoo, and I snort like a pig....watch this!
Getting ready for winter, trying on my hat!
Blowing the whistle
Chilling on my truck
I know, I'm Handsome!
Crawling in the laundry basket
Being goofy with the duck and daddy's goggles
Look, no hands!
Decorating for Halloween!
Look Mommy, I fit in your computer bag!
Wild and Crazy morning hair!
Picking out my pumpkins with Grandma Great!
There are too many, I can't decide....
Oh, hello little baby goats!
Mommy, don't be silly, they won't bite me.
I just can't pass up pretty flowers.
Taking a bath in Grandma's big tub. Mommy turned on the jets and totally scared me, mean Mommy :(
Lobster anyone?
Swimming Lessons started again!
I'm tired, please get me out of here!
Cruising around outside!
Hello down there!
Being goofy again!
I was a little wound up before pumpkin carving!
Bring on the pumpkins!
Ok, let's get started.
Hmmm, what is that?
What's in there Daddy?
Wait until he's not looking, and then I'll sneak this seed in my mouth!
That did not taste very good.
Maybe this will taste better.
Mommy's turn!
Here you can see what my favorite part of pumpkin carving was.....
Finally, here a couple of other random videos we pulled off of the video camera, enjoy!
P.S. Stay tuned for pictures of Henry, Sophia, and I in our Halloween costumes...we are going to be SPOOKTACULAR!!!