Chips, dip, and beer...perfect snack for the Packer game!
Watching the Christmas parade with my friend Diego and his cousin Isabella
Love you too mommy, but I've got a parade to watch!
Nice and my cousin Noah
Tryptophan sets in, ready to snooze with Grandpa
Looking adorable in my turkey jammies and Elmo slippers
No way Daddy, that tree is too big!
We found the perfect tree this year...must have been my help!
Come on Grandpa, we're ready to take our tree home.
Come on Mommy, lets string these lights...walking around in circles is fun!
Playing with the Christmas lights
The tree is so pretty Mommy!
Drinking out of a big boy cup
Uh oh, water everywhere
So proud of myself!
Checking my stocking from St. Nick
I like to put hats on all by myself
Opening Christmas presents!
Family picture on Christmas Eve
Driving Auntie Barb and Uncle Jim's boat
Me and my cousin Brady
Sophia, Me, Brady and Henry
All my Christmas presents...I have a little growing to do by the summer, so I can ride my tricycle!
Ummm, guys, the hats a little too big!
I'm getting the hang of this, I like to make noise!
Why isn't this one working?
Me and all my friends!
After all of the holiday festivities ended, I started a music class at the Conservatory. I was really more interested in watching the other kids, and acted very shy, which is unlike me. I have started talking a lot...and repeating things, so Mommy and Daddy have to be very careful about what they say! I'll try to post again soon...there are still some photos in line for editing, and some pretty cute videos for uploading:)