Chasing the Ball
Supervising Gardening
More Supervising
You want some of this?
Driving Uncle Don's boat
On Easter Sunday, we went to Manitowoc by my Auntie Kathy's house.
Auntie Barb helping me hunt for Easter eggs
Found One!
....and another!
Family photo that I wanted no part of....must find more eggs!
The Easter Bunny brought me gardening tools and sand toys, wahoo!
The adult hunt, they got lottery tickets in their eggs!
Laying out the loot.
A day at the office with Mommy, accounting is hard on the eyes!
Play date at the park with Diego! Snack time!
I love to swing!
Driving the "car"
Are you crazy, you want me to slide down all by myself?
Wobbly bridge!
Home to help Daddy rake
I'll help you pick up leaves, Daddy!
Here are some old photos Mommy discovered on the other camera. We never got around to posting them!
My birthday bench from Auntie Barb and Uncle Jim. Wow, was I a little fatty!
Playing on the grass and in the pool at Diego's house, what a mess!
Bike ride to Lakeshore State Park.
Hard at work again in Mommy's office
At least I get to break for lunch!
A winter trip to the zoo, me and a baby gorilla.
I am really talking a lot now, most of the time Mommy and Daddy understand me, but sometimes they look at me like I'm from outer space...then I get frustrated. Other than that, we've been playing outside a lot. Bubbles are my new favorite thing, and pushing my lawnmower, and riding in my little car. As usual we have pictures waiting for editing, so we will get to those soon!