Well, this was our first time in a while that we weren't able to be in Door County for the 4th. It was kind of sad, but we still went to the parade and I saw fireworks for the first time. I LOVED them. I call them stars, it's easier to say than fireworks. It was a long hot day, but we had a great time:)
Gearing up for the day...with my reading material.
Mommmmmyyyyyy, I don't want my picture taken!
Who is that guy behind the camera?
I know, I'm irresistible!
Jumping up and down in my wagon...
...oops, falling down in my wagon!
Yay, good parade!
Then we went home and I:
Chilled out in my chair
Played in my sandbox
Helped water the flowers
and ate corn on the cob.
Later that night we went to the fireworks
Here I am oohing and ahhing
Being silly with Mommy...
...and Daddy!
Winding down, it was a late night for me.
We had good old fashioned family fun this 4th of July. Now we wait for these babies I've had to hear about for the past nine months. We'll try to update as soon as we have news!