I made my way out of the comfy confines of mommy's belly on August 6th, 2008. I weighed in at 7lbs 6oz and 20 inches long. Here we are six weeks later and I'm now two full pounds over my birth weight. Mommy calls me oinker...
Some of my recent milestones include: smiling at people on purpose, not just in my sleep or when I'm gassy; sleeping between six to seven hours at a stretch at night and going right back to sleep after I fill my tank (this happened two nights in a row, mommy says I shouldn't jinx it by bragging about it).
Rather than bore you with all of the details of my brief yet wonderful days, I will dazzle you with my absolute cuteness! I'm not being modest and calling myself cute, I hear it all day long..."Isn't he cute?" "I love him so much!" "He's so adorable!" Seriously...all day long.
Brand New

Cousin Sophia Feeding Me

Sweet Sleepy Baby

Cute Butt Shot

Daddy's Favorite - Nap Time

With My Cousins Addy and Avery

Yeah! Isaac pictures! Can't get enough. Loved the block one. Sure looks like Nate, although I hope he inheritated your belches. It'd be a shame for the gene pool to miss out on that.
Hi Issac!!
You are such a cute little Manly!! We love you to bits and hope we can see you soon. Brady wants you to have a sleep over so you can sleep in his bed with him and he will share his chicken flashlight incase you are afraid of the dark. Luv you lots!!
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