Daddy and I just waking up, isn't it scary how much we look alike?
Playing with my puzzles
We have one step in our house, and it's my favorite place to sit!
Chilling out watching TV
Sara and Jason, what a funny guy!
I like to feed myself...and make a mess!
Hanging out in my wagon, reading books
My friend Morgan, she didn't like me pushing her...Mommy told me to be nice!
Ok, I will play nice.
Daddy's first day of school...he's going to be a drug dealer, oops I mean pharmacist!
Mmmmm, cheerios and eggs
I was not happy with Mommy....
...and then I got really mad when she was laughing at me, snapping pictures!!!
Our Labor Day picnic at the beach
Yum, the BOSS (Big Oversized Sub Sandwich for those of you not in the know)
My first time eating spaghetti...
...then straight into the tub, where I attempted to wash my own hair
...and brush my own hair
Feeding myself again, yummy cottage cheese. I like cheese in any form really!
Helping Mommy pick tomatoes and water our garden and flowers
Daddy went on a golf outing, and Mommy and I went to the Schlitz Audubon Nature Center. I loved it! We saw toads, frogs, bugs, snakes, and turtles. Mommy let me loose on one of the trails too!
I'm getting pretty good at this walking thing!
I'm tired, but I'm having too much fun to admit it!
Come on Mommy!
Hey, can I touch that camera?
I'm gonna get you!
Oooh, look at these pretty purple flowers.
Let's go home!
We saw this beauty as we turned back on the trail to head home.
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