Mommy and Daddy: "Isaac, you're going to be a big brother!"
Mommy and Daddy: "Isaac, there are TWO babies in Mommy's belly!"
That's right, twins! We found out just before Christmas that we are going to have twins, so we thought it would be fun to tell everyone about it over the holidays. I donned a new shirt that read "Big Bro" thinking everyone would read my shirt and immediately get it. No such luck. We were at Auntie Barb and Uncle Jim's, and I strutted around for two hours in my shirt, nobody noticed. Finally, Auntie Barb (who already knew) asked Uncle Jim if he liked my shirt. Let me spell it out for you....I am going to be a Big Brother!
The day after Christmas we headed up North. Grandma Great got it right away, yay! Then we told her that Grandpa's number of grandchildren would be double by this time next year, and she figured it out right away again, what a smartie pants! After we visited with Grandma and Grandpa Great, we stopped at the farm to see Grandpa, and again, I ran around without even a mention of my shirt. Boy oh boy, what do I have to do to get people to notice? I guess they are just so focused on my adorable face. Anyway, Mommy finally asked Grandpa if he liked my shirt, and he did!
Then we went back to Algoma to break the news to Grandma and Grandpa Mueller and Uncle T-Bone. My great aunts Shelley and Sharon were there too. Uncle Tyler saw my shirt upstairs, so he knew before we went downstairs to tell anyone. I stood on Mommy's lap and Aunt Shelley said "Hey, what's up Big Bro?" Finally, somebody noticed right away, but that was it, nothing else. Are you freaking kidding me, come on people, get with the program. Mommy, Daddy and Uncle Tyler started laughing, and everyone wondered what they were laughing at. Mommy was yanking on my shirt, and FINALLY Aunt Sharon said "Oh, I get it. He's going to be a big brother!" Whew, this was getting exhausting. Then Mommy dropped the bomb on Grandma and Grandpa, that they would be up to a dozen grandchildren in 2010! Grandpa figured it out right away that we have twins on the way, and I think Grandma is still in shock to this day!
I'm kind of starting to get what's going on - we say prayers for the babies every night at bedtime, and I pat Mommy's belly and give the babies kisses. I'm going to be the best big brother ever! Stay tuned for more news soon...we are going to find out what we are having if the babies cooperate and expose themselves:)
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