Spent a week up in Door County at Aunt Cindy's house
We forgot my stroller, thank God she still had Nicole and Natasha's sweet ride!
Daddy and the Babies
Grandma Tomczuk visits!
This is how I roll when we play outside!
Jacob hanging out with us! Happy as a clam my a$%!
Mommy feeds her babies....and I feed my baby.
Watching cartoons with Jacob
Jacob just rolled over...at 7 weeks, are you kidding me?
I have graduated to a big boy bed, and I am very happy about it!
Anna hugs a giraffe
Jacob Smiles
Sleepy Jacob
Aunt Cathy Visits
Sweet Anna watching very intently
Very Smiley Jacob
Anna wondering what mom is doing with the camera in her face again!
Jacob finds himself in the mirror
Anna likes to eat Jacob's head
Smiley Anna
They like to snuggle:)
I had to get in the picture too!
The babies are 2 months old
I learned how to ride my tricycle, and I like to do it EVERYDAY!
Time out for snacks with Cass
"Hold it, Mommy" - it being Jacob
"Isaac feed babies"
Awwww, sweet Anna
Addy reading me one of my favorites...Brown Bear, Brown Bear
I kiss you, Addy!
Grandpa Great, Alex, Uncle Brock, and "Grandpa Ikey" (He calls me Ikey, so I call him Grandpa Ikey)
Throwing balls for Truman
"Peekaboo Cow"
Alex, Anna and Jacob's Baptism
Watch and learn little man
My cousins Henry, Sophia and Addy
Trip to the zoo...these bears were fun to watch!
I had just as much fun at the zoo running through the sprinkler!
Jacob's take on the zoo
Not sure if Anna saw one animal at the zoo
Hi Mommy Lion!
Family photo at the zoo playground
I played while the babies ate, that was so much fun!
I don't go far without my helmet, I even wear it on stroller rides!
Helping Daddy study for the PCAT
This was when they slept....
Jacob chews on Anna
Sophia and Jacob
Jacob hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa's
I did this all on my own, not staged or encouraged in any way whatsoever.
Following Grandpa
Mommy and her boys:)
...and here's the cheesy smile again
Sleepy again
We've been just a tad busy and somewhat sleep deprived, ok not me, but Mommy and Daddy - so forgive me if the next few posts are just a run of pictures. I know all you care about is my cuteness anyway:)
Here is a very funny video, that I'm sure will be shown again someday when I am older and I will be mortified!
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