Sunday, December 7, 2008

Full of Thanks

Hi Everybody! I wanted to give you a quick recap of my November, and to tell you about all of the people and things I am thankful for! We're working on sleeping through the night, and I have to say it's going ok. One night this week I slept until 4:45 am without one peep, apparently my big sister Cass didn't let mommy and daddy take advantage of that, she was sick in the middle of the night. I am fighting off another cold and we play a little game called Booger Attack - mommy and daddy use a battery operated booger sucker to clear up my nose, and I am totally in awe of that machine, so I sit there like a perfect little angel and let them attack those nasty boogers! Anyway, here are some new pictures!

Winter is here, but I'm all set and thankful for my bear hat!

I am thankful for my Bumbo seat, it's teaching me how to sit up!

I am thankful for my recent visitors:

Kristina held me even though I was wearing my Sunday best - Packer gear

My fried Diego thought Cass had a telephone call

Diego leaning in for a smooch!

Snuggling with Auntie Brenda

Story time with Henry and Sophia

I am thankful for my new friends from our childbirth class: Colin, Finley, Garrett, Me, Abyan, Evelyn, and Addison

I am thankful for inanimate objects:

Staredown with Octopus

Staredown with Moo Cow

Staredown with Billy Buttons

I am thankful for my soft puppy blanket from Addy and Avery!

I am thankful that Daddy gets me dressed, but Mommy didn't get the 0-3 drawer cleaned out in time!

Fat Man in a Little Coat

I am thankful that Mommy and Daddy don't disturb me when I fall asleep in my carseat, they just set the seat right in my crib!

I am thankful for Thanksgiving Dinner and for Mommy dressing me in these ridiculous holiday outfits (actually this outfit is courtesy of Auntie Cynde)!

I am thankful that as a baby, I can get away with being a little full of myself:
I am Simply....

Reminding Uncle T-Bone that I am the....
I hope you all have a Merry Christmas, and I can't wait to tell you all about the cool presents I get:) Right now I have a fascination with all of the lights, wait till next year when I can swat at the ornaments!!!
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