Thursday, December 11, 2008

Good Things Come in Small Packages

Mommy said Santa came early for her this year and that these were too cute to wait until my next big post, so prepare to be dazzled by cuteness:) Merry Christmas!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Full of Thanks

Hi Everybody! I wanted to give you a quick recap of my November, and to tell you about all of the people and things I am thankful for! We're working on sleeping through the night, and I have to say it's going ok. One night this week I slept until 4:45 am without one peep, apparently my big sister Cass didn't let mommy and daddy take advantage of that, she was sick in the middle of the night. I am fighting off another cold and we play a little game called Booger Attack - mommy and daddy use a battery operated booger sucker to clear up my nose, and I am totally in awe of that machine, so I sit there like a perfect little angel and let them attack those nasty boogers! Anyway, here are some new pictures!

Winter is here, but I'm all set and thankful for my bear hat!

I am thankful for my Bumbo seat, it's teaching me how to sit up!

I am thankful for my recent visitors:

Kristina held me even though I was wearing my Sunday best - Packer gear

My fried Diego thought Cass had a telephone call

Diego leaning in for a smooch!

Snuggling with Auntie Brenda

Story time with Henry and Sophia

I am thankful for my new friends from our childbirth class: Colin, Finley, Garrett, Me, Abyan, Evelyn, and Addison

I am thankful for inanimate objects:

Staredown with Octopus

Staredown with Moo Cow

Staredown with Billy Buttons

I am thankful for my soft puppy blanket from Addy and Avery!

I am thankful that Daddy gets me dressed, but Mommy didn't get the 0-3 drawer cleaned out in time!

Fat Man in a Little Coat

I am thankful that Mommy and Daddy don't disturb me when I fall asleep in my carseat, they just set the seat right in my crib!

I am thankful for Thanksgiving Dinner and for Mommy dressing me in these ridiculous holiday outfits (actually this outfit is courtesy of Auntie Cynde)!

I am thankful that as a baby, I can get away with being a little full of myself:
I am Simply....

Reminding Uncle T-Bone that I am the....
I hope you all have a Merry Christmas, and I can't wait to tell you all about the cool presents I get:) Right now I have a fascination with all of the lights, wait till next year when I can swat at the ornaments!!!
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Monday, November 17, 2008

Where Does the Time Go?

On November 6th I turned three months old. Mommy, Daddy and I celebrated by going on an outing and getting my pictures taken. I was gracious enough to let mommy and daddy in on a couple shots. Sorry for the short post, but the holidays are right around the corner, so I'm sure I'll have lots to share in the next few months!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm Curious....Are You?

Trick or treat, smell my feet! I celebrated my first Halloween as Curious George, what a silly little monkey! My friend Diego and I could open a zoo!

Uggh, I wish I could crawl, he found the candy!

What an Uncanny Resemblance!

Maybe next year I can have candy...doesn't hurt to ask!

Curious George and Great Grandpa George:)

Ihave had so many people oohing and aahing over me, check it out:
Uncle Fernando

Great Aunt Shelley

The Ladies Love Me!!
Mommy's Friend Stephanie and her girls Morgan and Emma

Mommy's Friend Marsha and her daughter Brooke

Mommy's Friend Jenny...her husband was out of town, but I filled that void!

Jenny's mom Sara, telling me what's in store for Shanty 2009!

Breakfast with Grandpa at Hot Tamales, the best hasbrown sandwich!

Grandpa Great and I ready for Game Day!

Staring at the Fascinating Scarecrow on Grandma Great's Shirt

I've also been out on the town:
Daddy's got me behind the bar, never too young to learn the art of bartending

Election Day 2008 - Mommy and Daddy want to teach me the importance of my civic duty...blah blah blah, I got a sweet sticker out of that little lesson!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Rubber Ducky, You're the One!

Ok, so technically I'm not playing with my bath toys yet, and I have yet to see a rubber just sounded like a fitting title. I have officially outgrown the newborn sling on my tub, and I am now free to kick and splash totally submerged and I LOVE IT!!! Mommy and Daddy thought I was so cute, they took a video, which I will attempt to display. Warning: The video is rated mature for sexual content (there was just no way to avoid the weiner!) It is also way too long, my parents really get excited about the little things!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cass Took Us to the Dog Park

I had my first experience at the dog park. Mommy and Daddy said Cass needed to get out on her turf, so she doesn't feel like second fiddle. We try to include her in the feedings, diaper changes and strolling, but she only gets excited about the strolling. Whatever we need to do to keep Cass happy...I secretly know that I'm the star of this show!

I also broke in the brand new all terrain stroller. Thank God nobody was in the parking lot when we got there! I love my parents, and I know this is all new to them, but you should have seen them trying to get the stroller set up and ready to go. Then we had to go through it all over again when it was time to go home - again, nobody had to witness this fiasco!

Cass Leads the Way

Check Out My Sweet Ride

This is what I thought of the Dog Park

Some other things I've been up to lately:

Laughing at those funny bugs on my swing

A Visit from Uncle Fran

Me Looking Cute

Mommy said something funny

Making Eye Contact & Laughing with Mommy